My Devotion
May 21, 2009
Romans 14:23 But if you have doubts about whether or not you should eat something, you are sinning if you go ahead and do it. For you are not following your convictions. If you do anything you believe is not right, you are sinning.
The scripture speaks for itself. When you have a conviction and you do not do it and went to the opposite way, you are sinning. These doubts come because of your conviction that one is right and the other is a wrong choice. It is not your own work but the Holy Spirit working in you. If you go against and do otherwise, you are committing the sin of disobedience to what the Lord is telling/ teaching/ compelling you to do. See your inner thoughts. Allow the Lord examine you. Open your heart to Him.
While the mind perceives, the heart writes. Join me as I walk through life as a dentist, mother and wife.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Why the passion?
My Devotion
May 13, 2009
Why the passion?
[When I look at the heart of the person within me, I see impurities… imperfections. For all have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). I am now changed. God has transformed me. People think I try to be perfect. Nah… that’s useless. I only strive for excellence. This is the excellence that I know. Let’s put it this way, I just have all the time this vacation to finish the work before the deadlines. Let’s rid off all the “I’s” and focus on Him.]
Having the burden to pass the passion to the next generation, the idea of reviving YouthLink just flashed like lightning.
Deuteronomy 4:9 “But watch out! Be careful never to forget what you yourself have seen. Do not let these memories escape from your mind as long as you live! And be sure to pass them on to your children and grandchildren.”
One of our mentors shared, “If you are the Joshua generation beware! After your generation, who’ll be next?” I never knew how important YouthLink is in the God’s Kingdom. What I am sure of is that it is the Lord Himself who started this good work. We are His followers who obey His commands. And upon this immediate call, I believe, spiritual growth will just follow only if we are rightly related with the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that everyone who is called in their own ministries would really seek and receive God’s word which will specifically confirm their rightful calling and place in this generation. So that when troubles come, each would stand firm on His promises and would never be moved by the discouragement of the enemy but be more fully assured and encouraged that the Lord is with them in all situations.
Joshua 1:9 “This is my command – be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
May 13, 2009
Why the passion?
[When I look at the heart of the person within me, I see impurities… imperfections. For all have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). I am now changed. God has transformed me. People think I try to be perfect. Nah… that’s useless. I only strive for excellence. This is the excellence that I know. Let’s put it this way, I just have all the time this vacation to finish the work before the deadlines. Let’s rid off all the “I’s” and focus on Him.]
Having the burden to pass the passion to the next generation, the idea of reviving YouthLink just flashed like lightning.
Deuteronomy 4:9 “But watch out! Be careful never to forget what you yourself have seen. Do not let these memories escape from your mind as long as you live! And be sure to pass them on to your children and grandchildren.”
One of our mentors shared, “If you are the Joshua generation beware! After your generation, who’ll be next?” I never knew how important YouthLink is in the God’s Kingdom. What I am sure of is that it is the Lord Himself who started this good work. We are His followers who obey His commands. And upon this immediate call, I believe, spiritual growth will just follow only if we are rightly related with the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that everyone who is called in their own ministries would really seek and receive God’s word which will specifically confirm their rightful calling and place in this generation. So that when troubles come, each would stand firm on His promises and would never be moved by the discouragement of the enemy but be more fully assured and encouraged that the Lord is with them in all situations.
Joshua 1:9 “This is my command – be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Friday, May 15, 2009
Proverbs 4:23 My heart
I have this thing in my heart (not a medical problem) that keeps on giving me unrest. I know I have to do something... yung parang pag di mo magawa di ka talga matahimik. I accidentally left my flash disk at home so I was not able to do all the tasks I'm supposed to do over the net at this hour. I don't know what's this in my heart. I asked the Lord last night if He wants me to pray for someone. I also prayed about some hidden sins that could be in my heart but this unrest still finds its way through me. God I trust You.
Proverbs 4:23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; For out of it are the issues of life.
Song: Desert Song - Hillsong
Proverbs 4:23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; For out of it are the issues of life.
Song: Desert Song - Hillsong
Friday, May 8, 2009
Don't be passive... test everything!
My Devotion
May 7, 2009
The word of God is 100 percent true. But aside from the Bible, there are lots of literary works that we also read to equip us in different aspects of our spiritual lives. Rev. Robert A. French, author of Basic Discipleship, said that if there is a conflict between what the Bible says and what the other source says, trust the Bible and not the other source. Nowadays there are so many inspirational books sold in the stores. How do we distinguish between real Christianity and its contrary? 1 Thessalonians 5:21 says that we should test everything. See if they are from God and telling the truth accurately. Compare what they say to what the Bible says.* Make sure that the literature does not contradict the grace of salvation that comes only through faith in Jesus Christ, not from anyone or anything, even good works.
2 Timothy 3:16 (NIV) All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.
Colossians 2:8 (NIV) See to it that no-one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.
* French, RA (2008). The cell leader’s discovery guide series: Discovery guide for basic discipleship. Makati, Philippines: Church Strengthening Ministry, Inc.
May 7, 2009
The word of God is 100 percent true. But aside from the Bible, there are lots of literary works that we also read to equip us in different aspects of our spiritual lives. Rev. Robert A. French, author of Basic Discipleship, said that if there is a conflict between what the Bible says and what the other source says, trust the Bible and not the other source. Nowadays there are so many inspirational books sold in the stores. How do we distinguish between real Christianity and its contrary? 1 Thessalonians 5:21 says that we should test everything. See if they are from God and telling the truth accurately. Compare what they say to what the Bible says.* Make sure that the literature does not contradict the grace of salvation that comes only through faith in Jesus Christ, not from anyone or anything, even good works.
2 Timothy 3:16 (NIV) All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.
Colossians 2:8 (NIV) See to it that no-one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.
* French, RA (2008). The cell leader’s discovery guide series: Discovery guide for basic discipleship. Makati, Philippines: Church Strengthening Ministry, Inc.
Turning the vision into reality - super un-edited version
May 7, 2009
JRM YouthLink: Turning the vision into reality
The JRM YouthLink was a newsletter initiated by our past youth leaders. Its former leaders were Ate Jasminez Lintag, Kuya Cris Orido and Ate Melai Limbo. Its original purpose was to connect the youth through writings such as news, explanations on the preachingspreaching, literary works, testimonies, etc. Its last issue was in 2005 (which I was able to get a copy). Presently, the paper has come back with its new format as a youth magazine carrying the same name ‘JRM YouthLink.’. Its missionIt exists to glorify God by being a catalyst in reaching out and discipling young people to help them build their faith on the person of Jesus Christ. is to… and it And it envisions tyoung people radically transformed into global Christians, committed to the calling of glorifying God in their lives and advancing His Kingdom to this generation and beyond. It is founded on the word of God on Psalm 45:17 which states, “I will cause Your name to be remembered in all generations; therefore nations will praise you forever and ever.”o…
November – December 2008
Through God’s initiative, the work for on reviving the paper begun during this season. Ate Jo Sallyne Vicencio and Ate Ace Escario has been encouraging Rachelle and I to start working on the paper. I was too reluctant at that time. I was holding back because I kneow it’s a difficult task and it would cost me much of my time as a student. (Time is too precious for a very busy student like me with a real deal in demand schedule) But with God, nothing is impossible. He can speak to a person’s heart. He can convict a person to whom He assigns a task. The present generation has to know that many had shed their tears and prayers for them. They have to know why the present youth ministry exists, along with its passion to glorify God even more. There has to be a means to convey these accounts. Then I thought of La Solidaridad and all the other literary publicationworkss and their impact during the Philippines’ colonial periods. Works such as these served as catalyst for change in this country. These thoughts came rushing unto me like a flood. In other words, the strong desire to pass on the story of the richness of God’s glory among the JRM Youth to the present and succeeding generations compelled me to say yes. Months after this, I found out that two of our editors my Associate Editor and another former youth leader have prayed for this newsletter/ magazine. He has answered their prayers.
Compared to other editors-in-chief, I have don’t haven’t hadhave even a single experience in writing for a publication,publication; more so on being part of a publication as an editor… much worse, as an the editor-in-chief. We/I really started from zero (zero to the nth level).. We have no advisers/mentors to back us up in the technicalities of the paper. All we have is God, encouragements and the approval of our leaders.
The Re-launch
The following is the series of events that had happened (November 2008 to May 2009) as we start and progress on this impossibility that has been made possible by the powerful hands of the Lord:
1. Intercession and confirmation from the Lord
2. Connect with the former leaders of YouthLink
3. Interview Ate Melai Limbo, former head of the YouthLink
4. Individual planning c/o Rachell Navarro and Andrianne Gomez
a. Researching
b. Gathering ideas from different types of publications
c. Keenly observing the lay-out, contents and style of writing of the present publications that we have (e.g. The Manila Collegian, Christian Newsletters, Church Newsletters, Newsmagazines, Commercial Magazines, etc.)
d. Interviewing people who were formerly involved in publications (e.g. former editors/ editor-in-chief of a school publication, etc.)
e. Conceptualization of the mission-vision of this endeavor (with much prayer)
5. Corporate planning (Rachell Navarro, Andrianne Gomez and Miko Cuenca)
a. Brainstorming on the contents of the paper
b. Options on the type of publication (e.g. newsletter, newsmagazine, magazine, etc.)
c. The process of making the magazine
d. Individual preferences
e. Preferences of the present youth
f. Mision-vision
g. The official name: JRM YouthLink
h. Frequency of the release of issues
i. Tasks to do
j. Positions to be filled in by the future editorial staff
k. Size of the paper
l. Number of pages
m. Design/ preferred appearance
n. Printing and Distribution of printed and electronic copies
o. E-mail address
n.p. Funding
o.q. Human resource… Identifying possible people to connect to:
i. JB Lacaden
ii. Nissi Yumang
iii. Joy Javier
iv. Ninia Tarlit
v. Michael Ramon
6. Individual prayer, planning and synthesis
7. Establishing connections and laying down of burden to other youth leaders:
a. Jo Sallyne Vicencio
b. Ptr. Boyette Dominguez
b.c. Joseph Abdullah
c.d. Thommy Harr Gamet
d.e. Abbbigail Luvinne Galita
f. Angelo Alcantara
g. JB Lacaden
h. Ace Escario
i. Jeff Lintag
8. Finalization of the plan
a. Powerpoint presentation of all the plans for all the issues for this year (Volume 1, Issues 1-4)
b. Members of the editorial staff were now identified
9. Formalizing JRM YouthLink as an Interest Group (withdrawing it then re-launching it as an interest groupĂ believe me all these happened)
10. 1st meeting was held in January 2009
11. Execution of the plan
a. Dec 2008 – Mar 2009: Collection and editing of articles
b. April 2009: Editing and Lay-outing
c. May 2009: Printing and Distribution of copies (electronic copies via e-mail, printed copies will be distributed during the youth service this May 9, 2009)
d. Establishing contact to new applicants and contributors (other youth) as an interest group
i. Nikko Izar
ii. Prean Langcaoun
iii. Marie Louise
The process may seem simple upon being enumerated but it actually caused several days of intermittently being broken before the Lord. Many times I asked the Lord to take me out of this position but He won’t allow me. There had also been a season of interplay of discouragements and encouragements but the word of God prevailed. This ministry is not just a group that writes. It is a testimony of God’s hand moving from impossibility to reality. The Lord Jesus Christ alone is to be glorified in all of these… no one else.
Luke 1:37 “For nothing is impossible with God”
JRM YouthLink: Turning the vision into reality
The JRM YouthLink was a newsletter initiated by our past youth leaders. Its former leaders were Ate Jasminez Lintag, Kuya Cris Orido and Ate Melai Limbo. Its original purpose was to connect the youth through writings such as news, explanations on the preachingspreaching, literary works, testimonies, etc. Its last issue was in 2005 (which I was able to get a copy). Presently, the paper has come back with its new format as a youth magazine carrying the same name ‘JRM YouthLink.’. Its missionIt exists to glorify God by being a catalyst in reaching out and discipling young people to help them build their faith on the person of Jesus Christ. is to… and it And it envisions tyoung people radically transformed into global Christians, committed to the calling of glorifying God in their lives and advancing His Kingdom to this generation and beyond. It is founded on the word of God on Psalm 45:17 which states, “I will cause Your name to be remembered in all generations; therefore nations will praise you forever and ever.”o…
November – December 2008
Through God’s initiative, the work for on reviving the paper begun during this season. Ate Jo Sallyne Vicencio and Ate Ace Escario has been encouraging Rachelle and I to start working on the paper. I was too reluctant at that time. I was holding back because I kneow it’s a difficult task and it would cost me much of my time as a student. (Time is too precious for a very busy student like me with a real deal in demand schedule) But with God, nothing is impossible. He can speak to a person’s heart. He can convict a person to whom He assigns a task. The present generation has to know that many had shed their tears and prayers for them. They have to know why the present youth ministry exists, along with its passion to glorify God even more. There has to be a means to convey these accounts. Then I thought of La Solidaridad and all the other literary publicationworkss and their impact during the Philippines’ colonial periods. Works such as these served as catalyst for change in this country. These thoughts came rushing unto me like a flood. In other words, the strong desire to pass on the story of the richness of God’s glory among the JRM Youth to the present and succeeding generations compelled me to say yes. Months after this, I found out that two of our editors my Associate Editor and another former youth leader have prayed for this newsletter/ magazine. He has answered their prayers.
Compared to other editors-in-chief, I have don’t haven’t hadhave even a single experience in writing for a publication,publication; more so on being part of a publication as an editor… much worse, as an the editor-in-chief. We/I really started from zero (zero to the nth level).. We have no advisers/mentors to back us up in the technicalities of the paper. All we have is God, encouragements and the approval of our leaders.
The Re-launch
The following is the series of events that had happened (November 2008 to May 2009) as we start and progress on this impossibility that has been made possible by the powerful hands of the Lord:
1. Intercession and confirmation from the Lord
2. Connect with the former leaders of YouthLink
3. Interview Ate Melai Limbo, former head of the YouthLink
4. Individual planning c/o Rachell Navarro and Andrianne Gomez
a. Researching
b. Gathering ideas from different types of publications
c. Keenly observing the lay-out, contents and style of writing of the present publications that we have (e.g. The Manila Collegian, Christian Newsletters, Church Newsletters, Newsmagazines, Commercial Magazines, etc.)
d. Interviewing people who were formerly involved in publications (e.g. former editors/ editor-in-chief of a school publication, etc.)
e. Conceptualization of the mission-vision of this endeavor (with much prayer)
5. Corporate planning (Rachell Navarro, Andrianne Gomez and Miko Cuenca)
a. Brainstorming on the contents of the paper
b. Options on the type of publication (e.g. newsletter, newsmagazine, magazine, etc.)
c. The process of making the magazine
d. Individual preferences
e. Preferences of the present youth
f. Mision-vision
g. The official name: JRM YouthLink
h. Frequency of the release of issues
i. Tasks to do
j. Positions to be filled in by the future editorial staff
k. Size of the paper
l. Number of pages
m. Design/ preferred appearance
n. Printing and Distribution of printed and electronic copies
o. E-mail address
n.p. Funding
o.q. Human resource… Identifying possible people to connect to:
i. JB Lacaden
ii. Nissi Yumang
iii. Joy Javier
iv. Ninia Tarlit
v. Michael Ramon
6. Individual prayer, planning and synthesis
7. Establishing connections and laying down of burden to other youth leaders:
a. Jo Sallyne Vicencio
b. Ptr. Boyette Dominguez
b.c. Joseph Abdullah
c.d. Thommy Harr Gamet
d.e. Abbbigail Luvinne Galita
f. Angelo Alcantara
g. JB Lacaden
h. Ace Escario
i. Jeff Lintag
8. Finalization of the plan
a. Powerpoint presentation of all the plans for all the issues for this year (Volume 1, Issues 1-4)
b. Members of the editorial staff were now identified
9. Formalizing JRM YouthLink as an Interest Group (withdrawing it then re-launching it as an interest groupĂ believe me all these happened)
10. 1st meeting was held in January 2009
11. Execution of the plan
a. Dec 2008 – Mar 2009: Collection and editing of articles
b. April 2009: Editing and Lay-outing
c. May 2009: Printing and Distribution of copies (electronic copies via e-mail, printed copies will be distributed during the youth service this May 9, 2009)
d. Establishing contact to new applicants and contributors (other youth) as an interest group
i. Nikko Izar
ii. Prean Langcaoun
iii. Marie Louise
The process may seem simple upon being enumerated but it actually caused several days of intermittently being broken before the Lord. Many times I asked the Lord to take me out of this position but He won’t allow me. There had also been a season of interplay of discouragements and encouragements but the word of God prevailed. This ministry is not just a group that writes. It is a testimony of God’s hand moving from impossibility to reality. The Lord Jesus Christ alone is to be glorified in all of these… no one else.
Luke 1:37 “For nothing is impossible with God”
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Commitment and Responsibility
My Devotion - April 29, 2009
Letter from the Editor
Summer has gone past. For students, it's now back to school. For those who have finished their studies, it is time to move into another phase of their lives. For some who are continually working, nothing has changed but the weather. But I believe many lives were transformed this past season by the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit.
The youth were so much blessed and prayed for during this year's summer camps. While all these were happening, were they really committing to take the responsibility as children of God regardless of their church membership? According to John Maxwell in The 17 Essential Qualities of a Team Player, commitment is a character quality that enables us to reach our goals and it is never an emotion. Furthermore, he stated, "It is one thing to believe in something you're doing and another to be totally committed to it."
Seeking God requires a hungry heart. Having a personal relationship with the Lord entails surrendering your life to the Lord. And deciding to live everyday on the basis of this new found faith implies you commitment to consistently work out this relationship even if at times you'd me out of your comfort zone.
Psalm 34:8 says, "Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in Him." Let us commit our lives to the Lord and be amazed on how He'd transform us from victory to victory.
Letter from the Editor
Summer has gone past. For students, it's now back to school. For those who have finished their studies, it is time to move into another phase of their lives. For some who are continually working, nothing has changed but the weather. But I believe many lives were transformed this past season by the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit.
The youth were so much blessed and prayed for during this year's summer camps. While all these were happening, were they really committing to take the responsibility as children of God regardless of their church membership? According to John Maxwell in The 17 Essential Qualities of a Team Player, commitment is a character quality that enables us to reach our goals and it is never an emotion. Furthermore, he stated, "It is one thing to believe in something you're doing and another to be totally committed to it."
Seeking God requires a hungry heart. Having a personal relationship with the Lord entails surrendering your life to the Lord. And deciding to live everyday on the basis of this new found faith implies you commitment to consistently work out this relationship even if at times you'd me out of your comfort zone.
Psalm 34:8 says, "Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in Him." Let us commit our lives to the Lord and be amazed on how He'd transform us from victory to victory.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Aside from the fact that I was really blessed and delivered by the Lord during the EGR, I also confirmed that the written Editorial for Youthlink's issue 2 was really in line with God's will. I was so surprised to know that. I will review the editorial again, hopefully by tomorrow, and see if I could add more about commitment and responsibility.
Glory to God!!!
Glory to God!!!
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